Inner Bloom — Acupuncture & Holistic Health
At »Inner Bloom«, acupuncture and holistic healing methods restore balance to body, mind, and soul, helping patients to flourish from within. The brand's visual identity artfully intertwines these themes of blossoming, balance, and holistic wellbeing — creating a harmonious composition from logo to brand mark, graphics, and photo concept.
Floral elements are woven into the unique logo typeface, its elegant, modern look influencing the overall typography. Fonts were carefully selected to balance character with delicacy and femininity, while the signet draws inspiration from nature to symbolize the connection from root to head, as well as the concept of equilibrium. The hand-drawn style infuses the visual language with a natural, approachable feel. Embodied within the photo concept is everything »Inner Bloom« stands for—both in name and underlying philosophy. Images of blossoming buds mirror the journey of patients, who find inner harmony through holistic treatment methods.